Saturday, July 18, 2009

The start of a new blog is always uplifting

I've decided to start a new blog. This one will be dedicated solely to life in West Virginia, here and now. I'll have lots of op-ed pieces, pictures of our life here, animals, and just plain life as we know it in this wonderful state. We adopted West Virginia when my job decided to leave town in Washington, DC, and relocate in West Virginia. But I have a secret - I have always liked West Virginia! Ever since I was in elementary school and first learned of it in our geography classes, I always thought I'd like to visit that state - even more so than any other state! And now, I'm here!! Who'da thunk??!

So, we adopted this wonderfully diverse state for our new home base.

My new phrase right now when things aren't getting done as fast as I'd like - "well, life just gets in the way!!" That's what happens. And frankly, I'm kind of glad about that!!

'Nuff said. Gotta go finish laundry.